Objects with an Absurd Urge to Move

Gabriella Santiago-Vancak, Hyperallergic, October 22, 2015

In her first solo show with the Fridman Gallery, Alula in Blue, Tamar Ettun has erected an impressively large blue-and-white object that resembles a giant sail or, perhaps, a wing. “Alula” refers to a small part of a bird’s wing that is the rough equivalent of a human thumb, which allows for more fluid movement in flight. A motor pumps air into the wing sculpture, wedged between two columns taking up the majority of the gallery space. A handwritten note on the wall at the far end of the gallery reads: “Please come in and take off your shoes.” Opening the wing object, which is sealed at one end with velcro, releases a burst of cool air. This is the most tactile part of the show: wind rushes at you through the giant inflated balloon, smelling like paint and nylon.